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10. Defrost control
<SP56 only>
1) In heating operation, defrost operation is performed when TE sensor satisfies any condition in A zone to D
2) During defrosting operation, it finishes if TE sensor continued 12°C or continued 5°C £ TE < 12°C for
80 seconds. The defrost operation also finishes when it continued for 15 minutes even if TE sensor tem-
perature was 5°C or lower.
3) After defrost operation was reset, the compressor stopped for approx. 40 seconds and then the heating
operation starts.
∗ The minimum TE value and To value between 10 and 15 minutes after heating operation has started are
stored in memory as TE0 and To0, respectively.
0 10 15 29 35 91
TE [˚C]
A zoneA zone
B zoneB zone
C zoneC zone
Start of heating operation
D zoneD zone
A zone
B zone
C zone
D zone
In normal To In abnormal To
When status (TE0 – TE) – (To0 – To) ≥ 3°C When status (TE0 – TE) ≥ 3°C
continued for 20 seconds continued for 20 seconds
When status (TE0 – TE) – (To0 – To) ≥ 2.5°C When status (TE0 – TE) ≥ 2.5°C
continued for 20 seconds continued for 20 seconds
When the status (TE ≤ –26°C) continued for 20 seconds
When the status (TE ≤ –10°C) continued for 20 seconds