Thermo Products MDA1-125N Furnace User Manual

All installations and services must be performed by qualified service personnel.
E. Air for Combustion and Ventilation
Relief openings in the front or top of the furnace casing should not
be obstructed or blocked. These openings supply combustion and
ventilation air to the furnace.
Chloride, fluoride, iodide, and bromide bearing compounds when present, even
in low concentrations, in air supplied for combustion to the furnace, can result in
accelerated and severe corrosion of the heat exchanger and/or the venting
systems. This condition can occur with less efficient furnaces, but is accelerated
on furnaces with efficiencies of 80% or greater.
Many, household chemicals contain chloride-bearing compounds. There are
many compounds representative of this classification of chemicals. A few
common examples are listed below.
Cleaning solvents
Varnish and paint removers
Fabric softeners
Water softener salt
Tile adhesives
Avoid installing the furnace in areas where it is evident these chemicals are
being stored, or used, within close proximity to the furnace. In addition, avoid
storing or using any chemicals of an unknown nature in close proximity to the
furnace. If it is necessary to store or use these chemicals in the same space as
the furnace, all containers should be sealed when not in use. If possible, keep
these chemicals in a separate, well-ventilated, room that is closed off, from the
furnace, with a door.
The furnace shall be installed in a location within the building that permits a
satisfactory supply of air for combustion, ventilation, and proper operation of the
venting system. While all forms of building construction cannot be covered in
detail in this manual, this requirement may usually be met by application of one
of the following methods in ordinary building construction. Consult the National
Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1 – 2002, or the latest edition, for special
cases and further details. However, local installation codes always take
precedence and must be followed, if applicable.