Sigma 1000/1200 Cooling Tower
Specifications: Options
Specification Value
Convenience and Safety Options
9.3 Replace paragraph 9.3 with the fol-
lowing: A 30" wide, column supported,
45° stairway with 8" rise and run of
treated Douglas Fir shall be provided
at the tower endwall rising from grade
(roof) to the fan deck elevation. Stair
columns shall be 4x4. Guardrails shall
be 2"x4". The upper guardrail shall have
an eased edge for the protection of
operating personnel. Stairway founda-
tion shall be by others, designed in
accordance with drawings provided by
the cooling tower manufacturer. The
stairway shall conform to OSHA stan-
Plenum Walkway:
9.1 Add the following to the end of this
paragraph: Provide a 30" wide walkway
extending from one endwall access door
to the other through the length of the
tower. Walkway shall be constructed of
treated Douglas Fir, and the top of the
walkway shall be above the cold water
basin overflow level. If the cold water
basin is deeper than 4'-0", the walkway
shall be equipped with guardrails.
Ladder Extension:
9.4 Add the following paragraph in the
Access and Safety section: Provide
a ladder extension for connection to
the base of the ladder attached to
the tower casing. This extension shall
be long enough to rise from the roof
(grade) level to the base of the tower.
Anchorage and lateral bracing of the
ladder extension shall be by others.
Ladder Safety Cage:
9.3 Add the following to the end of this
paragraph: A heavy gauge galvanized
steel safety cage shall surround the
ladder, extending from a point approxi-
mately 7'-0" above the base of the
ladder to the top of the guardrail sur-
rounding the fan deck.
■ Although they are not neces-
sary for routine operation and
maintenance, stairways do
provide a safe and comfort-
able means of access to the
top of the tower that is often
overlooked in the initial cool-
ing tower purchase. They are
designed in straight-run or
double-back configurations
to accommodate your site
■ This option permits freedom of movement for inspection or main-
tenance within the tower without the need for wading boots or
tower drainage. It also helps prevent maintenance personnel from
damaging submerged accessories in the cold water basin (such
as screens, probes, basin heaters, etc.).
■ Many towers are installed such that the base of the tower is 2’-0”
or more above the roof or grade level. This makes it difficult to
get up to the base of the attached ladder. The ladder extension
alleviates this problem. Marley ladder extensions are available in
standard 5’-0” and 11’-0” lengths, and will be field-cut to fit.
■ To meet OSHA guidelines, towers whose
fan decks are 20'-0" or more above roof or
grade, and which are equipped with lad-
ders, are required to have safety cages sur-
rounding the ladders.