XE195 / XE295 Elliptical
program takes you through high levels of intensity followed by periods of low intensity.
This program increases your endurance by depleting your oxygen level followed by periods of
recovery to replenish oxygen. Your cardio vascular system gets programmed to use oxygen more
efficiently this way.
Work Profile
Programming Preset Programs:
1. Select the desired program button then press the
2. The message window will ask you to enter your
. You may adjust the weight setting,
using the Up and Down keys, then press the Enter key to accept the new number and
proceed on to the next screen.
3. You are now asked to enter your
. You may adjust the age number using the Up and
Down keys, then press enter to continue.
4. Next is
. You may adjust the Time and press enter to continue.
5. Now you are asked to adjust the
Max Level.
This is the peak exertion level you will
experience during the program (at the top of the hill). Adjust the level and then press enter.
6. Now you are finished editing the settings and can begin your workout by pressing the Start
key. You can also go back and modify your settings by pressing the Stop key to go back one
level, or screen.
7. If you want to increase or decrease the workload at any time during the program press the Up
or Down key. This will change the workload settings of the entire profile, although the profile
picture on the screen will not change. The reason for this is so that you can see the entire
profile at all times. If the profile picture is changed, it also would be distorted and not a true
representation of the actual profile. When you make a change to the workload, the message
window will show the current column and program maximum levels of work.
8. During the program you will be able to scroll through the data in the message window by
pressing the
9. When the program ends the message window will show a summary of your workout. The
summary will be displayed for a short time, then the console will return to the start-up display.