1. Close yellow service valve, push “Auto Store” to flush the system.
2. Connect the inlet service hose and the brine discharge service hose. Place them in the
service container or bucket.
3. Push “Auto Store” and run until there is 1 gallon (4L) of fresh water in the bucket, then
stop the system.
4. Reconnect the brine overboard hose to the Clark Pump
5. Turn the service valve to the “Service” position.
6. Pour 2 gallons (8L) of Propylene Glycol in the bucket.
7. Make sure that the pressure relief valve is OPEN (un-pressurized).
8. Turn on the feed pump with the manual switch on the MPC control box until antifreeze
appears in the brine overboard hose.
9. Stop the pump. Reconnect the brine service hose. Start the pump and re-circulate the re-
maining antifreeze for a few minutes.
10. Close the seawater intake and the service valve. Drain the strainer and the hose leading to
the inlet module.
11. Disconnect the product to tank tube and blow the water out of it with compressed air.
Valve in off position
Open the pressure relief valve
Valve in service position Connecting brine discharge hose