circulate water through the heater from the main sys-
tem piping.
To complete the installation of the pool heater, the pool
thermostat needs to be installed in the main return wa-
ter line, upstream of the heater. This will ensure that
the heater will be energized at the right time. If the
main water line is too far away from the heater and the
capillary bulb will not reach it, locate the pool thermo-
stat adjacent to the main line and run wires back to the
Adjustment of the manual bypass valve is critical to
proper operation of the heater. The manual bypass
valve should be adjusted to achieve a minimum inlet
water temperature of 105°F and an outlet water tem-
perature below 140°F. When starting with a cold pool,
make initial adjustments. Make final adjustments when
pool water approaches desired temperature.
The use of a bypass is required for proper operation in
a pool heating application. Use the following instruc-
tions to set the manual bypass:
1. Set Valve A (the bypass) to
⁄2 open position, and
Valve B to fully open position.
2. Turn on pump.
3. Turn on heater and wait until heater goes to full
4. Adjust Valve A until the inlet water temperature is
105°F. NOTE: Opening the valve will increase the
temperature and closing the valve will decrease
the temperature.
5. If this process does not raise the inlet water tem-
perature to 105°F and Valve A is fully open, then
Fig. 14: Single Pool Heater Application
Automatic Chlorinators and Chemical
All chemicals must be introduced and completely di-
luted into the pool or spa water before being circulated
through the heater. Do not place chlorine tablets or
bromine sticks in the skimmer. High chemical concen-
trations will result when the pump is not running (e.g.
Chlorinators must feed downstream of the heater and
have an anti-siphoning device to prevent chemical
back-up into the heater when the pump is shut off.
Winterizing Your Heater
Heaters installed outdoors in freezing climate areas
should be shut down for the winter. To shut down
heater, turn off manual main gas valve and main gas
Fig. 15: “H” Bypass Setting
CAUTION: Combustion air must not be
contaminated by corrosive chemical fumes which
can damage the heater and void the warranty.
NOTE: High chemical concentrates from feeders
and chlorinators that are out of adjustment will cause
very rapid corrosion of the heat exchanger in the
heater. Such damage is not covered under the
slowly throttle Valve B closed to increase the inlet
water temperature to 105°F.
*Maximum 4 times the pipe diameter or 12”, whichever is less.