Question Answer
Why does the link
light ash red?
It ashes red because there is no connection. The parent unit may be out
of range of the baby unit or may be set to a different channel than the
baby unit. Check if the parent unit and the baby unit are both set to the
same channel. If they are, put the parent unit in a different place, closer
to the baby unit.
Why does the parent
unit beep?
What you hear is the link alarm. It indicates that there is no link between
the baby and the parent units. The parent unit may be out of range of
the baby unit or may be set to a different channel than the baby unit.
Check if the parent unit and the baby unit are both set to the same
channel. If they are, put the parent unit in a different place, closer to the
baby unit.
Why does the parent
unit react too slowly
to the baby’s sounds?
Set the microphone sensitivity on the baby unit to a higher level and/or
move the baby unit closer to the baby. Make sure the baby unit is at least
1 metre/3 feet away from the baby.
Why does the parent
unit react too quickly
to other sounds?
Set the microphone sensitivity on the baby unit to a lower level and/or
move the baby unit closer to the baby.
Why is the
connection lost every
now and then?
The parent unit is probably close to the boundaries of the operating
range. Put the parent unit closer to the baby unit in a place where it has
better reception. Please note that it takes about 30 seconds before the
connection is re-established when you move one or both of the units.
Why do I get
interference on the
parent unit?
You may get interference when the parent unit is out of range of the
baby unit. The parent unit may also be too close to a window and pick
up interfering signals through this window. Move the parent unit away
from the window.
Interference also occurs if there are too many walls or ceilings between
the parent unit and the baby unit. Put the parent unit in a different place,
closer to the baby unit. Also make sure the units are well away from
mobile or cordless phones, radios or TVs.
Why does the parent
unit pick up signals
from another baby
The baby monitor operates on the same channel as another baby
monitor in the neighbourhood. Set both units to a different channel with
the channel selector.
Why doesn’t the baby
monitor manage the
specied range of
The specied range of 200 metres is only valid in open air. Inside the
house the range is limited by the number and type of walls and/or
ceilings between the two units. Change the position of one or both units
to optimise the range.
What happens when
there is a mains
If you are using the units from the mains without having put batteries in
them, the connection will be lost when there is a mains failure. If there
are batteries in both units, they will automatically switch to battery
power in case of a mains failure and the connection will not be lost.