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Button and Event Programs
Selecting 2 (BUTTON), from the "Edit When" menu, sets up a program to be activated when a macro button is executed or an
event occurs. The user is prompted to specify the button/event that activates the program:
A specific macro button may be activated by entering the button number followed by the ' # ' key, or by using the arrow keys to
scroll through a list of buttons.
To program specific event buttons (i.e. Front Door Opens, Security Armed Away, Porch Light Turns On, etc.), press the ' # ' key
to bring up a menu of event button types:
4=ALL 5=ALARM 6=X-10
After the event button is specified, the display returns to the Edit Program menu.
Control Unit Event / ALC Switch Press Event Buttons
When a control unit or ALC Switch Module is turned on or off, or if a pushbutton on an ALC Switch Module or 4-Button Scene
Switch Module is pressed, the "When Unit" program is activated.
Press the 1 (CTRL) key to select the "When Command" for a control unit or ALC Switch Module activated event. Additionally,
you can specify that the event will only activate when the pushbutton on an ALC Switch or 4-Button Scene Switch Module is
You are first prompted to enter the desired unit number:
The unit may be selected by entering the unit number followed by the ' # ' key or by using the arrow keys to scroll through a list of
unit names. Next, the desired unit is displayed and you are prompted to specify the event that activates the program:
WHEN Porch Light:
0=OFF 1=ON 2=ALC
Press "0"' to select when the unit turns off. Press "1" to select when the unit turns on. Press "2" to select when an ALC Switch
Module is pressed in the on or off position (locally at the ALC Switch) or when the pushbutton on an ALC 4-Button Scene Switch
Module is pressed.
0=OFF 1=ON 2-5=SW1-SW4
Press "0" to select when the ALC Switch Module is pressed in the off position. Press "1" to select when the ALC Switch Module
is pressed in the on position. Press "2-5" (which corresponds to Switch 1-4, respectively) to select when that pushbutton on the
ALC 4-Button Scene Switch Module is pressed. Press the ' # ' key to enter your selection.
Security Mode Event Buttons
Pressing the 2 (SEC) key allows you to select the event button that will be activated when a security mode changes: