Mitsubishi Electronics 100TMU-A Air Conditioner User Manual

Checking code Meaning, detecting method Cause Checking method & Countermeasure
If IDC 103 A is detected con-
tinuously for 10 minutes during
operation of the inverter after 5
or more seconds have passed
since the inverter started.
1) IPM/VDC trouble
2) If IDC
200 A is detected
during inverter operation.
3) If VDC
350V or VDC
190V is detected during in-
verter operates.
Breaking of
Is the units exhaust short cycling?
Clean the heat exchanger.
If the power supply voltage is less
than 198 V, it is outside specifications.
If the external air temperature is
over than 43°C it is outside the
Is the indoor unit capacity total ap-
Are the outdoor/indoor unit capac-
ity settings appropriate?
To judge failure of the THHS, go to
the item for error code 5110.
To judge failure of the solenoid valve, go
to Individual Parts Failure Judgment
Methods for the Solenoid Valve.
Check 1 connections, 2 contact at
the connectors and 3 for broken
wires in the following wiring.
Go to Treating Fan Motor Related
Go to Treating Inverter/Compressor
Related Trouble.
If none of the items in 1) to 10) is appli-
cable, and if the trouble reappears even
after the power is switched on again, re-
place the MAIN board (when replacing
the circuit board, be sure to connect all
the connectors, ground wires, etc. se-
Go to the item for error code 4230,
Check if an instantaneous power
failure or power failure, etc. has oc-
Check if the voltage is the rated
voltage value.
Check 1, the connections, 2, contact
at the connectors, 3 tightening
torque at screw tightened portions,
4, wiring polarities, 5, for broken
wires, and 6, for grounding in the fol-
lowing wiring.
Check if the wiring polarities are as
shown on the wiring diagram plate.
Check the coil resistances and in-
sulation resistance of the com-
Go to "Treatment of Inverter/Com-
pressor Releated Trouble."
Go to the item for error code 4220.
1) Air passage Short Cycle
2) The heat exchanger is clogged.
3) Power Supply Voltage
4) External Air Temperature
5) Capacity Setting Error
6) The THHS sensor is defective.
7) The solenoid valves (SV1, 2) are
defective, or the solenoid valve
drive circuit is defective.
8) The wiring is defective.
9) Fan motor (MF) operation is defec-
10)The inverter/compressor is defec-
11)The circuit board is defective.
1) Self protection by IPM break out,
(over current, over heat, under con-
trol voltage)
1) The power supply voltage is abnor-
2) The wiring is defective.
3) The inverter/compressor is defec-
(the same as error code 4220)