What To Do When the Alarm Sounds
Determine if anyone in the household is experiencing symptoms of CO poison-
ing. Many cases of reported CO poisoning indicate that while victims are aware
they are not well, they become so disoriented they are unable to save them-
selves by either exiting the building or calling for assistance. Also young children
and household pets may be the first affected. The following symptoms are
related to CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING and should be discussed with
ALLmembers of the household:
Become familiar with these common symptoms from CO poisoning
If you experience even mild symptoms of CO poi-
soning, consult your doctor immediately!
Common Mild Exposure Symptoms:
Headaches, running nose, sore eyes, often described as
“flu” like symptoms.
Common Medium Exposure Symptoms:
Dizziness, drowsiness, vomiting
Common Extreme Exposure Symptoms:
Unconsciousness, brain damage, death.