1 If you are using the new sleeve (optionally
supplied with your unit),skip to step 3.
Otherwise, install the plastic grille from the kit.
Cat the plastic grille to 25-1/2" wide and
15-1/4" high. Place the plastic grille to the
inside of the wall sleeve at the rear flange.
FIG. 4
I_ll Fasten the 4 washer screws to secure the grille
to the wall sleeve. If you need plastic nuts to
mount plastic grille to the inside of the wall
sleeve, there are plastic nuts in the installation
kit. The nuts are installed from the inside of the
sleeve and are pressing into the square holes
of the rear flanges.
FIG. 5
Ell Remove the backing from the Vertical
Insulation strip 159/16x 13/8x 13/8and attach that
to the inside right of the sleeve as shown
below. Remove the backing from the Around
Insulation strip 67% x 13/8x 25/32and attach that
to the inside front of the sleeve as shown
Indoor Outdoor
" 9V2" =i_ 6" _i
FIG. 6
I_ll Remove the metal rear grille and replace it with
the plastic rear grille to improve unit energy
efficiency. The plastic grille reduces the amount of
hot air discharge that recirculates through the unit.
Plastic rear grilte
FIG. 7
II_ Install the new unit into the wall sleeve.
rltTo assemble trim, snap the tab of each piece
into the slot of the other piece as shown below.
Slide trim over the front of the air conditioner
until trim is flush with sleeve as shown below.
Trim (2 ea)
FIG. 8
• Airconditionerscoveredinthismanualposean
Topreventinjuryor strain,useproperliftingand
• Whenhandlingtheair conditioner,becarefulto avoid
cutsfromsharpmetalfins onfrontandrearcoils.
• Makesureairconditionerdoesnotfallduring
• If unitdoesnotoperateafterinstallationcheck,tobe