Air Conditioner Features Air Directional Louvers
Air directional louverscontrol air flow direction. Your air conditionerhas the louver
(continued) type described beiow.
(4 WAY)
&.Way Louvers
The 4-Way air directional louvers allow you to direct air flow up or down, left or
right throughout the room as needed. To adjust the air directional louversside-to-
side, use the center handle as you move it side-to-side.
Care and Cleaning
Clean your air conditioner occasionally to keep it looking new. Be sure to unplug
the unit before cleaning to prevent shock or fire hazards.
Air Filter Cleaning
The air filter should be checked at least oncea month to see if deaning is necessary.
Trapped particles in the filter can build up and cause an accumulationof frost on
the cooling coils.
• Grasp panel from either side just below the air directional louvers and gently pull
to releasethe top edge of panel.
• Gently pivot the panel on its hinge.
• Grasp filter and remove. Snap panel back into place.
• Wash filter with warm soapy water. Rinsethoroughly. Gently shake excesswater
from filter. Be sure filter is thoroughly dry before replacing.
Instead of washing you may vacuum the filter clean.
• Open the panel asbefore and reinstall the filter.
Cabinet Cleaning
• Besureto unplug the air conditioner to prevent shockorfire hazard.Thecabinetand
front may be dustedwith an oil-freecloth or washedwith a cloth dampenedin a
solutionof warm waterand mild liquid dishwashingdetergent.Rinsethoroughly and
wipe dry.
• Never use harshcleaners,wax or polish on the cabinet front.
• Be sure to wring excesswater from the cloth before wiping aroundthe controls.
Excesswater in or aroundthe controlsmaycausedamageto the airconditioner.
• The cabinet front can be removed for more thorough cleaning.Referto "Front
Installation" in this manual
• Clean the front in a sink using liquid dishwashing detergent and warm water. Rinse
thoroughly and dry.
• Replacecabinet front. Replacethe screws.
• Replacefront panel (if applicable)and filter. Plug in air conditioner.