Honeywell THX9321 Thermostat User Manual

29 68-0311—01
3260 Extended Fan Run
Time in Cool
0, 30, 60, 90 seconds, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
0 seconds Both No After the call for cooling ends, the thermostat keeps
the fan on for the selected amount of time for
increased efficiency. This may re-introduce
humidity into the living space.
3260 Extended Fan Run
Time in Heat
0, 30, 60, 90 seconds, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
0 seconds Both No After the call for heating ends, the thermostat keeps
the fan on for the selected amount of time for
increased efficiency.
4000 Number Of Schedule
2 or 4 periods per day 4 periods per day Both No Residential:
4 Periods = Wake, Leave, Return, Sleep
2 Periods = Wake, Sleep
4 Periods = Occupied 1, Unoccupied 1, Occupied 2,
Unoccupied 2
2 Periods = Occupied 1, Unoccupied 1
4010 Pre-Occupancy Purge
1 hour
2 hour
3 hour
Off Commercial No Runs the fan 1 to 3 hours before each occupied
period to provide a comfortable workplace upon
4020 Type of Override Standard
Initiate Occupancy
Standard Commercial No Standard:
The system maintains temperatures programmed
for the occupied and unoccupied time periods.
Pressing OVERRIDE will allow the user to make a
temporary schedule change.
Initiate Occupancy:
The system maintains temperature at an energy
saving level until the Press to Start Occupancy
button is pressed by the user. The system will then
maintain a comfortable temperature until the
occupied period ends. This option is recommended
for cost savings when the workplace is used
infrequently or arrival times change from day to day
(example - schools). Once the occupancy is
activated by pressing the Press to Start Occupancy
button, the user will still be able to perform a
standard OVERRIDE of the schedule.
4030 Override Duration No Limit
1 to 12 Hours
3 hours Commercial No When the user presses the OVERRIDE button, the
thermostat will maintain the new temperature for at
least 1 hour. The user can adjust the Hold Until time
from 1 hour to the amount set for the Override
Duration (1-12 hours). Default setting is 3 hours. If
set to No Limit, the user can adjust the Hold Until
time up to 24 hours.
4050 Minimum Heat
Recovery Ramp Rate
1° F/hr to 20° F/hr
5° F/hr Commercial No Off: The heating system will begin recovery at the
time that is scheduled.
When a Minimum Recovery Ramp Rate is set, the
thermostat will begin recovery early to ensure the
temperature is reached at the scheduled time.
Set a Minimum Recovery Ramp Rate based on the
rate that the heating system can recover at for a
cold day in your region. Default setting is 5° F /
If an outdoor sensor is installed, set an Outdoor
Temperature that is representative of a cold day in
your region to be associated with the Minimum
Recovery Ramp Rate. The thermostat will begin
recovery at the optimal time based on a calculated
ramp rate, allowing the system to recover on time
and save energy during changing outdoor
During recovery, the setpoint changes at a rate in
degrees per hour depending on the outdoor
temperature. If there is no outdoor sensor, the
Minimum Recovery Ramp Rate is used.
Table 2. Installer Setup (ISU) Table. (Continued)
Number Installer Setup Name Settings Default
or Both
EIM Notes