Honeywell CL60PM Fan User Manual

The recommended maximum relative humidity level is 60% or
less, which allows a noticeable temperature decrease. The
temperature decrease will be greater in drier climates because
higher evaporation occurs when the humidity is low.
The evaporative air cooler should not be used in enclosed
spaces. It must be kept level and there must be water in the
water tank. The room should have doors and windows opened
to allow free air flow. The evaporative air cooler works best
when placed near an open window, so that outside air is drawn
into the evaporative air cooler, the air circulates in the room, and
exits via the door. The maximum cooling effect is felt when a
person is in the flow of air coming out of the evaporative air
The evaporative air cooler can also be used to humidify dry air
during the cool weather months. To be used for humidification
the windows and doors should be closed to allow the humidified
air to accumulate. The evaporative air cooler is not an air
conditioner as it does not use a compressor or refrigerant gas. It
should not be expected to cool as to a selected, fixed
temperature like a refrigerated air conditioner.
When the product is used for the first time the Honeycomb
cooling media will have an odour which will dissipate in a week
or so of initial use.