
Controlling the 4500 Thermostat by Phone
The phone access feature of the Honeywell security system provides a
number of capabilities to the user:
To adjust the ARMED AWAY set back temperature of the 4500
thermostats over any phone.
To turn off the set back function for a single ARMED AWAY
period, or turn it on again if necessary.
To control two 4500 thermostats in a single installation.
A Thermostat Mode voice menu can be activated after accessing the
security system by phone.
To Enter the Thermostat Mode Menu By Phone
1. Obtain access to your security system by phone according to the
instructions for phone access provided with your security system.
You will need to enter the 2-digit phone code provided by your
installer, and your 4-digit user code when you are calling from
outside, or whenever prompted by the system.
2. You will now hear the announcement of the security system
status followed by the ambient room temperature (if installer
has programmed this particular option).
3. Wait until the security system completes the status announce-
ments. When prompted by the system, press:
The security system phone access module will announce all words
denoted by quotation marks and italicized as follows:
“THERMOSTAT MODE,” followed by whether “SET-BACK” is
“ON” or “OFF”, and whether the 4500 thermostat is set for
The temperature setting of the 4500 thermostat that is in effect
when the security system is ARMED AWAY.
A menu of thermostat related end-user commands will be annunciated.
The following sections: Adjusting the Set-Back Temperature of the
4500 thermostat, Turning the Set-Back On and Off, Using Two
4500 thermostats With Your Security System,
and Exiting
Thermostat Mode explain the use of the thermostat mode commands.
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