
Two-stage and Three-stage Paint Systems
Paintbooth Filtration
Pads: FP319AxxxxPAD, Ring Panels: FP319A2020PRK,
Cubes: FP319Axxxx , Bags: FP319Axxxxxxxx
FP319A Chromate Recovery System
The Flanders FP319A-Chromate Recovery System
is offered in both two-stage and three-stage config-
urations for aerospace overspray painting environ-
The FP319A complies with EPA (Environmental
Protection Agency) Test Method 319 as it applies to
the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous
Air Pollutants (NESHAP). Reference 63 Fed. Reg.
59 (March 27, 1998) and 40 C.F.R. 9, 63.
The EPA Test Method 319 is a testing protocol in
which potassium chloride and oleic acid are substi-
tuted for chromate paint. These chemical sub-
stances attempt to simulate dry and wet overspray
characteristics of the chromate paint. This testing
protocol verifies that an air filtration system (two or
three-stage) has met minimum efficiency require-
ments, under laboratory conditions, utilizing potas-
sium chloride and oleic acid.
The Flanders FP319A two and three-stage systems
have been qualified by independent laboratory on
specific chromate paints. These tests are per-
formed in controlled environments to simulate the
“real world” painting environment.
The two-stage version of the Flanders system uti-
lizes a proprietary synthetic media pad in combina-
tion with a proprietary synthetic media bag type fil-
ter. The two-stage system performed as shown
below in testing.
1 Dexter (A) 454-5 + (B) X-395 fuel tank coating mix-
yellow - With a conventional air gun operating at 45
psi, with spray feed rate of 105 gr/min @ 120 fpm.:
Initial pressure drop was .18” w.g. running to final
pressure drop at .72” w.g., average removal effi-
ciency was measured at 99.78% efficiency, with
279 grams holding capacity on the first stage and
2600 grams holding capacity on the second stage.
2. Deft 44GN72 green water-reducible coating (A) base
+ (B) activator - With a conventional air gun operat-
ing at 45 psi, with spray feed rate of 110 gr/min @
120 fpm.: Initial pressure drop was .10” w.g.
Running to final pressure drop at .74” w.g., average
removal efficiency was measured at 98.91% effi-
ciency, with 469 grams holding capacity on the first
stage and 6327 grams holding capacity on the sec-
ond stage.
*National Emissions Standards for Hazardous
Air Pollutant minimums, as defined in Test
Method 319 protocol.
Two-Stage Test Method 319 Data NESHAP*
KCL 2.14 - 2.85 m 84.4% >10%
4.25 - 5.55 m 94.6% >50%
7.66 - 9.46 m 97.3% >90%
OLEIC 1.88 - 2.83 m 85.6% >10%
3.69 - 4.71 m 94.4% >50%
5.11 - 6.29 m 97.1% >90%
Three-Stage Test Method 319 Data NESHAP*
KCL 0.59 - 0.73 m 97.3% >75%
0.87 - 1.16 m 98.8% >85%
2.14 - 2.85 m 99.6% >95%
OLEIC 0.37 - 0.47 m 89.2% >65%
0.94 - 1.41 m 96.8% >80%
1.88 - 2.83 m 99.0% >95%
Flanders - Foremost in Air Filtration
Corporate Headquarters, St. Petersburg, FL
the filter and hvac store