Pointer Adjust Indicator, 29
Pop-up menus
As alternative to soft keys, 19
Modifying displays with, 16
Print Now key, 25
Receive key, 8
Remote Alarm Indicator, 28
Remote M/Frame Alarm Indicator, 28
Reset History key, 27
Results key, 8
Run / Stop Key, 25
SDH Alarm Indicators, 29
SDH Alarms
AU-AIS, 29
Clock Loss, 29
HP-RDI, 29
Loss Of Pointer, 29
LP-RDI, 29
MS-AIS, 29
MS-RDI, 29
Pointer Adjust, 29
TU-AIS, 29
SDH payload mapping with pictorial dis-
play, 20
Selectable display values, 15
Selected Cell Not Received Alarm Indica-
tor, 28
Set key, 25
changing with soft keys, 14
Show History key, 27
Signal Loss Alarm Indicator, 28
Single/multiple window selection, 9
Soft key alternative, pop-up menu, 19
Soft keys
using, 14
Status Indicators, 27
Text entry with pop-up menu, 16
Trace data entry with pop-up menu, 16
Transmit key, 8
TU-AIS Alarm Indicator, 29
VC Alarm Indicator, 28
VP Alarm Indicator, 28