A. Chime does not sound:
• Makesurepushbuttonandchimecodesarethesame(seeFigure9).
• Checkorientationofpushbuttonandchimebatteries.(Seediagraminside
push button and chime for correct battery orientation.)
• Checkchargeofpushbuttonandchimebatteries,replaceifnecessary.
B.Chimesoundswhennotintended(falsetriggers):Chime is receiving
interference from another wireless device; change the code setting (see
Code Setting below).
• Donotmountchimeorpushbuttononmetalornearmetalstuds.This
to move chime or push button off metal surface.
• Concreteoorsmayreducerange.Movechimeawayfromoor.
• Trylocatingchimeclosertopushbutton.
D. Code Setting:
It is recommended to only change one code position at a time and then check
to see if system is functioning properly.
1. Open the cases and locate the jumpers on both the push button and chime
(see Figure 9).
2. The push button and chime both have eight different jumper locations. Jumper
positions 1 through 7 are used for setting the code.