Frigidaire 327000009 Dehumidifier User Manual

RReeaadd aallll iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss bbeeffoorree uussiinngg tthhiiss ddeehhuummiiddiiffiieerr..
To reduce the risk of fire,
electric shock, or injury to persons when using your dehumidifier, follow basic
precautions, including the following:
For Your Safety
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of
this or any other appliance. Read product labels for flammability and other warnings.
Child Safety Precautions
Destroy the carton, plastic bags, and any packing materials immediately after the
dehumidifier is unpacked. Children should never use these items for play.
Do not leave children unattended in an area where the appliance is operating.
Do not allow them to sit or stand on the appliance.
Electrical Information
For your safety and protection, this dehumidifier is equipped with a three-prong
grounding plug on the power cord.
DDoo nnoott,, uunnddeerr aannyy cciirrccuummssttaanncceess,, ccuutt oorr
rreemmoovvee tthhee rroouunndd ggrroouunndd pprroonngg ffrroomm tthhee pplluugg..
Your dehumidifier must be plugged directly into a properly grounded and
polarized three-prong receptacle. If the wall receptacle you intend to use will not
accept a three-prong plug, or if you are not sure the outlet is adequately
grounded or protected by a time delay fuse or circuit breaker, have a qualified
electrician install the proper outlet according to the National Electrical Code and
applicable local codes and ordinances.
DDoo nnoott uussee aann eexxtteennssiioonn ccoorrdd oorr aann
aaddaapptteerr pplluugg..
Never unplug the dehumidifier by pulling on the power cord. Always grip the
plug firmly and pull straight out from the receptacle.
Do not pinch, bend, or knot the power cord.
SSeelleeccttiinngg aa LLooccaattiioonn
11.. DDeehhuummiiddiiffiieerr mmuusstt bbee ooppeerraatteedd iinn aann eenncclloosseedd aarreeaa ttoo bbee mmoosstt eeffffeeccttiivvee..
CClloossee aallll ddoooorrss,, wwiinnddoowwss,, aanndd ootthheerr oouuttssiiddee ooppeenniinnggss ttoo tthhee rroooomm.. TThhee
eeffffeeccttiivveenneessss ooff tthhee ddeehhuummiiddiiffiieerr ddeeppeennddss oonn tthhee rraattee aatt wwhhiicchh nneeww
mmooiissttuurree-llaaddeenn aaiirr eenntteerrss rroooomm..
22.. PPllaaccee ddeehhuummiiddiiffiieerr iinn aa llooccaattiioonn tthhaatt ddooeess nnoott rreessttrriicctt aaiirrffllooww tthhrroouugghh tthhee
ffrroonntt ooff tthhee uunniitt oorr oouutt ooff tthhee lloouuvveerrss oonn tthhee lleefftt ssiiddee ooff ccaabbiinneett..
33.. AA ddeehhuummiiddiiffiieerr ooppeerraattiinngg iinn aa bbaasseemmeenntt wwiillll hhaavvee lliittttllee oorr nnoo eeffffeecctt iinn
ddrryyiinngg aann aaddjjaacceenntt eenncclloosseedd ssttoorraaggee aarreeaa,, ssuucchh aass aa cclloosseett,, uunnlleessss tthheerree
iiss aaddeeqquuaattee cciirrccuullaattiioonn ooff aaiirr iinn aanndd oouutt ooff tthhee aarreeaa.. IItt mmaayy bbee nneecceessssaarryy
ttoo iinnssttaallll aa sseeccoonndd ddeehhuummiiddiiffiieerr iinn tthhee eenncclloosseedd aarreeaa ffoorr ssaattiissffaaccttoorryy
How It Works
When the unit is started, the fan begins to pull moisture-laden air across the
dehumidifying coils. The coils condense or draw moisture from the air, and air flows
through the side louvers into the room as dry, warm air. Moisture removed from air
is collected in a bucket on the front of the dehumidifier.
© 1996 White Consolidated Industries, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Avoid fire hazard or
electric shock. Do not use an extension
cord or an adaptor plug. Do not remove
grounding prong from power cord.
GGrroouunnddiinngg ttyyppee
wwaallll rreecceeppttaaccllee
PPoowweerr ssuuppppllyy
ccoorrdd wwiitthh 33-pprroonngg
ggrroouunnddiinngg pplluugg
DDoo nnoott,, uunnddeerr
aannyy cciirrccuummssttaanncceess,,
ccuutt,, rreemmoovvee,,
oorr bbyyppaassss tthhee
ggrroouunnddiinngg pprroonngg
ffrroomm tthhiiss pplluugg..
Important Safety