Operating Steps
The bucket has a hose/drain connection. The dehumidifier should be kept in
operation as long as excess moisture is present in the room air.
TToo bbeeggiinn ooppeerraattiinngg tthhee ddeehhuummiiddiiffiieerr,, ffoollllooww tthheessee sstteeppss::
1. Plug the power cord into a properly grounded 110/120 volt AC outlet.
Before operating this unit, see the “Removing Collected Water” section
for proper placement of the bucket. Model will not operate if the bucket is not
properly positioned in the unit.
2. When first using the dehumidifier, turn the Humidistat Control clockwise to the
MAX.DRY position. The unit will run continuously at this setting.
3. Press the Fan Speed Button to HI. The HI setting is recommended for faster
moisture removal.
4. Allow the dehumidifier to operate at the above settings for three to four days.
After this time, adjust the controls as needed. See below.
Dehumidifier Features
Humidistat Control
The Humidistat Control automatically starts dehumidifier when humidity is
excessive. When humidity has been reduced to the comfort level set on the control,
the unit turns off.
When first using dehumidifier, turn Humidistat Control clockwise to MAX.DRY. Unit
will run continuously at this setting. Operate dehumidifier at the MAX.DRY setting
for three to four days. During this time, observe the dampness conditions in the
area being dried. When the sweating has stopped and the dampness odors are
gone, adjust Humidistat Control to the position between OFF and MAX.DRY that
provides a “dryness” condition suitable to your needs/comfort.
Fan Speeds
The Fan Speed adjusts fan speed. When humidity has been reduced to the desired
level and quiet operation is preferred, press Fan Speed to LO.
Moisture Removal
At first, the dehumidifier will remove large amounts of moisture. It will continue to
do so until the relative humidity is reduced to a point where moisture damage will
not occur. Then, the amount of moisture removed from the air will be a lot less. This
indicates the dehumidifier is operating effectively and is maintaining the relative
humidity at the desired level. Judge the performance of the dehumidifier by the
elimination of dampness and dampness odors, not by the amount of water being
deposited in the bucket. When bucket has filled with water, unit will turn off. All
models feature an Automatic Shut-Off light that will glow until bucket is emptied
and returned to the proper position.
Operating Conditions
All models will operate if the room teperature is greater than 65°F (18°C). Models with
a moisture removal capacity greater than 40 pints per 24 hours will operate satisfactorily
at a temperature no lower than 50°F (10°C). If conditions less than those stated or the
humidity is low the dehumidifier should be turned off. See “Frost Control”.