Electrical Requirements
Figure 6
3) Electrical Data (continued)
Electrical Rating Tables
NOTE: Use copper conductors ONLY. Wire sizes are per
NEC. Check local codes for over seas ap pli ca tions
Recommended branch circuit wire sizes*
maximum circuit
breaker size
AWG Wire size**
15A 14
20A 12
30A 10
AWG — American Wire Gauge
* Single circuit from main box
** Based on copper wire, single in su lat ed conductor at 60°C
Note: All fi eld wiring must comply with NEC and local codes. It
is the responsibility of the installer to insure that the electrical
codes are met.
Wire Size
Use ONLY wiring size recommended for single
out let branch circuit.
Use ONLY type and size fuse or HACR circuit
breaker indicated on unit's rating plate (See sample
on page 6). Proper current protection to the unit is
the responsibility of the own er.
Unit MUST be grounded from branch circuit to
unit, or through separate ground wire provided on
permanently connected units. Be sure that branch
circuit or general purpose outlet is ground ed.
Wire Sizing
Use recommended wire size given in tables and
install a single branch circuit. All wiring must comply
with local and national codes. NOTE: Use copper
conductors only.
Elec tric shock haz ard.
Turn OFF elec tric pow er be fore service
or in stal la tion.
All electrical connections and wir ing MUST
be in stalled by a qual i fi ed elec tri cian and
con form to the Na tion al Elec tri cal Code and
all local codes which have ju ris dic tion.
Failure to do so can result in prop er ty
damage, per son al injury and/or death.