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Check Zones
Press READY key.
View faulted zones when system not
Arm System
Enter code. Press arming key desired:
Arms system in mode selected.
Quick Arm
(if programmed)
Press #. Press arming key desired:
Arms system in mode selected, quickly
and without use of a code.
Bypass Zone(s)
Enter code. Press BYPASS key.
Enter zone number(s) to be bypassed
(use 2-digit entries).
Bypassed zones are unprotected and
will not cause an alarm if violated.
Quick Bypass
(if programmed)
Enter code. Press BYPASS key + [#].
Bypasses all faulted zones
Silence Sounders
Enter code. Press OFF key.
Press OFF key.
Press any key.
Also disarms system. Memory of alarm
remains until cleared.
Memory of Alarm remains until cleared.
Determine cause.
Disarm System
Enter code. Press OFF key.
Also silences sounders. Memory of
alarm remains until cleared.
Clear Alarm
After disarming, enter code again.
Press OFF key again.
Keypad beeps rapidly on entry if alarm
has occurred while absent. Alarm
display will remain upon disarming
until cleared.
Duress (if active
and connected to
Central Station)
Arm or disarm "normally", but
use your 4-digit Duress code to do so.
Performs desired action and sends
silent alarm to Central Station.
Panic Alarms
(as programmed)
Press key [A], [B], or [C] for at least 2
seconds or press and hold designated key
pairs: [1]+[
], or [
] + [#], or [3] + [#].
See the Panic Keys section for
emergency functions programmed for
your system. Note: Keys “A”, “B”, and
“C” may have been programmed for
other functions.
Chime Mode
To turn ON or OFF: Enter code. Press
CHIME key.
The keypad will sound if doors or
windows are violated while system is
disarmed and chime mode is ON.
Test Mode
To turn ON: Enter code. Press TEST key.
To turn OFF: Enter code. Press OFF key.
Tests alarm sounder and allows sensors
to be tested.
Phone Access
if applicable
Consult Phone Access User's Guide that
accompanies the Phone Module.
Permits system access remotely, via
Touch-tone phone.