XIII. Self Test
Main PCB Self-test
To initiate the self-test sequence, execute the following:
a) Turn on the ac. supply to the air-con.
b) Press and hold the Operation / Filter reset button for 6 seconds after which you can
hear 2 beep sound to indicate activation of self-test sequence.
(Note : When press and hold for 3 seconds, a single beep will be heard. Keep on
holding for another 3 seconds to achieve the total 6 seconds requirement to activate
the self-test sequence.)
Observe the following events.
i all output devices are turned off
ii EEPROM is tested. If EEPROM is faulty, buzzer will sound for 3s
iii green, yellow & red LEDs are turned on.
iv 1s later, the 4-way valve is turned on (applicable on Heat Pump Unit only)
v 1s later, compressor is turned on
vi 1s later, outdoor fan is turned on
vii 1s later, indoor fan runs at low speed for 3s
viii Following, the indoor fan runs at medium speed for 3s
ix Following, the indoor fan runs at high speed
x 3s later, the vane moves to down position, taking 3.42s & stays for 2s
xi The vane moves to home position, taking 1.47s and stays for 2s
xii The vane moves to middle position, taking 1.39s and stays for 2s
xiii The vane moves to angle position, taking 0.565s & stays for 2s.
xiv The vane moves to home position again, takes 1.96s & stays for 2s.
xv All output devices are turned OFF.
For normal operation, power off the system and turn on the system again to cause a power on
XIV. Memory Backup of Settings
Once the setting of the unit changed, it will be stored into the EEPROM immediately. After
current restoration due to power source supply breakdown, the unit commences operation
using all the settings at the time of the breakdown. However, all timing related fuction will be
invalid. The unit will be randomly start with 3 minutes delay for compressor protection.