Control General Description Application Display/Interface Protocol Thermostat Options
CCM Control
The CCM (Compressor control module)
is a more reliable replacement for
electro-mechanical control applications.
It features a small microprocessor
board that handles the lockout function
of the unit. A second microporcessor
handles the unit mounted thermostat for
maintaining accurate room temperature.
Residential and commercial
applications requiring minimal but
reliable controls. Includes Random
Start, High and low pressure
switches and auto changeover
Dial thermostat with Hi and
Low fan speeds, and auto
changeover or cont fan
selection switches.
Unit Mounted Digital
Dial Thermostat
Remote Mounted
Standard Thermostat
Versatec Control
The Versatec Control is a
microprocessor based board that adds
the features of emergency shutdown
(ES), night setback (NS), water freeze
sensing (FS), Load Shed (LS) and
condensate overow (CO). The
Versatec Control also features Optional
Field servicing LED's for mode, Fault
and diagnostic indication.
Residential and commercial
applications requiring more controls
features than CCM and Includes
Random Start, High and low
pressure switches, auto changeover
capability, emergency shutdown
(ES), night setback (NS), load shed
(LS), water freeze sensing (FS), and
condensate overow (CO).
Optional eld servicing LED
board for mode, fault and
diagnostic indication
Unit Mounted Digital
Dial Thermostat
Remote Mounted
Standard Thermostat
The FX10 microprocessor control is self
contained control featuring LP, LOC,
HP, LWT, and condensate overow
fault modes can be displayed on BAS
system. Optional handheld Medium User
Interface (MUI) Control can be used for
additional setup or servicing. Program
customization is possible. This control is
suited for both single and dual capacity
compressors as well as PSC and ECM
fan motors.
Commercial applications using sin-
gle and dual capacity compressors
with either PSC or ECM fan motors.
Also suitable for multi-compressor
products. Cannot be integrated
with centralized building automation
systems. Software can be custom-
ized for specic projects.
Optional Medium User
Interface (MUI) can be
used as a
eld service tool.
Unit Mounted Digital
Dial Sensor
Remote Mounted
Standard Thermostat
Remote Mounted
FX10 w/ N2
FX10 Control functions as both unitary
heat pump control and DDC communica-
tion, therefore detail operational and
fault information is available to BAS.
Other features are same as FX10 with
addition of Johnson Controls N2 compat-
Same as FX10 with Johnson
Controls N2 BAS compatibility.
Optional Medium User
Interface (MUI) can be
used as a
eld service tool.
N2 network
Unit Mounted Digital
Dial Sensor
Remote Mounted
Standard Thermostat
Remote Mounted
FX10 w/ LonWorks
FX10 Control functions as both unitary
heat pump control and DDC communica-
tion, therefore detail operational and
fault information is available to BAS.
Other features are same as FX10 with
addition of LonWorks compatibility.
Same as FX10 with LonWorks BAS
Optional Medium User
Interface (MUI) can be
used as a
eld service tool.
Unit Mounted Digital
Dial Sensor
Remote Mounted
Standard Thermostat
Remote Mounted
FX10 w/ BACnet
FX10 Control functions as both unitary
heat pump control and DDC communica-
tion, therefore detail operational and
fault information is available to BAS.
Other features are same as FX10 with
addition of BACnet compatibility.
Same as FX10 with BACnet BAS
Due to communication speed,
no more than 40 units should
be connected to a single trunk
of the network.
Optional Medium User Inter-
face (MUI) can be mounted
or used as a
eld service tool.
BACnet - MS/
(19,200 Baud
Unit Mounted Digital
Dial Sensor
Remote Mounted
Standard Thermostat
Remote Mounted
Standard CCM Control Features
Compressor control module (CCM) controls are standard
on the Envision console heat pump. This control features
unit mounted thermostat and switches,
Features of the standard control are:
Easy to understand color coded thermostat •
adjustment markings.
Large, rocker type mode and fan switches.•
Internally mounted fan switch to choose cycled or •
constant fan operation.
High pressure and low pressure safety controls to •
protect the unit components.
Lockout circuit to shut down unit operation upon •
receipt of a fault indicator from the safety controls.
A 24 volt control circuit allows for safe and •
easy diagnosis.
Envision Console Controls