1. To attach the pedestal, place the unit on its back, making sure not to damage the wiring, then
bolt the pedestal onto the unit. Back off the screws on the base, install the pedestal over the
screws. Lock in place using the keyholes, tighten the screws.
2. Assemble the three faceplates to the stove by screwing the hinged panels to the stove side
panels. Loosen the front hopper lid screws and center the top panel under the hopper lid,
tighten screws. Insert each side panel anchor screw through the top panel into the
corresponding side panel holes and tighten.
3. Assemble the brass frame using the corner hardware and screws supplied in the face plate
packaging. Install corner hardware into the side brass, then push into the top frame. Do not
over-tighten or the side brass cannot be removed during servicing.
4. Place the brass frame over the panel assembly.
5. To access the rear of the stove after the panels are assembled remove side brass and remove
the anchor screws from the corresponding side. Swing panel open. Installation is the reverse.
Sizing of face plates for FPI:
STANDARD: 40” X 30 ¼” OVERSIZE: 46” X 33”
BUILT IN: 36” X 32 9/16” OVERSIZE: 46 X 34 ¾”