For more information, visit www.desatech.com
One or both burner does not light after
ODS/pilot is lit
Delayed ignition of burner
Burner backfi ring dur ing com bus tion
Orange flame in burner during burner
com bus tion
Slight smoke or odor during initial op-
er a tion
Heater produces a whis tling noise when
burners are lit
White powder residue forming within burn er
box or on adjacent walls or furniture
Moisture/con den sa tion no ticed on win-
1. Contact local natural or pro pane/LP gas
2. Clean burner(s) (see Cleaning and
Main te nance, page 18) or re place burner
orifi ce(s)
3. Contact qualifi ed service person
4. Replace burner orifi ce(s)
5. Put remote selector in ON position
6. See Wiring Diagram, page 23
1. Contact local natural or pro pane/LP gas
2. Clean burner(s) (see Cleaning and
Main te nance, page 18) or replace burner
orifi ce(s)
3. Contact qualifi ed service person
1. Clean burner (see Cleaning and Main-
te nance, page 18) or replace burner
ori fi ce
2. Replace damaged burner
3. Replace gas regulator
1. Check burner(s) for dirt and debris. If
found, clean burner(s) (see Cleaning and
Main te nance, page 18)
2. Replace gas regulator
1. Problem will stop after a few hours of
1. Turn control knob to LO position and let
warm up for a minute
2. Operate burners until air is re moved
from line. Have gas line checked by lo-
cal nat u ral or propane/LP gas com pany
3. Observe minimum in stal la tion clear-
anc es (see pages 7 through 10)
4. Clean burners (see Cleaning and Main-
te nance, page 18) or replace burner
orifi ce(s)
1. Turn heater off when using furniture
polish, wax, carpet cleaners, or similar
1. Refer to Air for Com bus tion and Ven ti -
la tion re quire ments (page 4)
1. Inlet gas pressure is too low
2. Burner orifi ce(s) clogged
3. Mislocated crossover tube
4. Burner orifi ce(s) di ame ter is too small
5. Remote selector in OFF position (Re-
mote-Ready Models Only)
6. Wire disconnected from gas control
(Re mote-Ready Models Only)
1. Manifold pressure is too low
2. Burner orifi ce(s) clogged
3. Mislocated crossover tube
1. Burner orifi ce is clogged or damaged
2. Damaged burner
3. Gas regulator defective
1. Not enough air
2. Gas regulator defective
1. Residues from manu fac tur ing pro cess es
and logs curing
1. Turning control knob to HI po si tion
when burners are cold
2. Air in gas line
3. Air passageways on heat er blocked
4. Dirty or partially clogged burner
orifi ce(s)
1. When heated, vapors from furniture pol-
ish, wax, carpet cleaners, etc. turn into
white powder residue
1. Not enough com bus tion/ven ti la tion air