This Clean 'N Carry Vac is intended for
household use only.
Please Read Carefully
Static Shocks Are Common - In dry
areas or when the relative humidity of the
air is low, To reduce the frequency of stat-
ic shocks in your home the best remedy
is to add moisture to the air with a con-
sole humidifier.
Owner's Manual Contents
Item Page
Warranty Information ............... 2
Safety Instructions ................. 2
Introduction ...................... 4
Unpacking and Checking
Carton Contents ................ 4
Replacement Filter Assembly ........ 5
Storage Rack Assembly & Mounting ., .6
Clean 'N Carry Vac Assembly 8
Hanging Vac on Storage Rack ....... 9
Accessories ..................... 10
Operation ....................... 11
Maintenance .................... 13
Repair Parts ..................... 14
Unpacking and Checking Carton Contents
Remove entire contents of carton, Check
each item against the Carton Contents
List. Notify your Sears Store immediately
if any parts are damaged or missing.
Carton Contents List
Key Description Qty.
A Vac Motor Assembly ............ 1
B Vac Canister .................. 1
C Accessory Storage Bin .......... 1
D Storage Upper Rack ............ 1
E Storage Lower Rack ............ 1
F 14' Poe-I-Lock Hose Assembly .... 1
G 7' Pos-I-Lock Hose Assembly ..... 1
H Utility Nozzle .................. 1
J Dusting Brush ................. 1
K Car Nozzle ................... 1
L Crevice Tool .................. 1
M Extension Wands .............. 2
N* Filter Nut ..................... 1
O* Filter Plate ................... 1
P* Filter (Red Stripe) .............. 1
Q* Filter Cage ................... 1
R* Float ........................ 1
S #10 x 1-3/4 Wood Screws ....... 4
T Owner's Manual ............... 1
* These items may come preassembled.
If they are not present in the carton check
the vac power head to see ff they are