8 Super User Functions
The Tiger Console has a set up menu that is not accessible during usual operation. The
functions available in this mode are generally only used when setting the console up for
personal preferences. There are three super user menus, the More.. soft-key on each page will
allow you to move to the next menu.
It is accessed while the LCD display is on the main menu:
To access the Super User menu hold down the two top soft-keys simultaneously. This will bring
up the first page of the Super User menu:
The Back soft-key will take you back to the main menu.
8.1 Clear all Memories and Sequences
Selecting the Clear Mem/Seq soft-key brings up a menu that gives you two options. Cancel will
return you to the Super User menu without deleting any information. OK will delete all the
memories and sequences currently stored on the console. Information regarding fixtures and
patch are unaffected by the clearing of the memories and sequences.
Do not press OK unless you are sure that you no longer need the current show stored on the
8.2 Start Up Mode
This option allows the user to set the desk, so that at power up it either recovers the sequence
step that it was last on or resets the current sequence back to step one. To restore to the last
output step the bottom left line on the LCD display should read Startup@Last. If it reads
Start@1 the currently selected sequence will restart at step 1. To toggle between these two
choices use the soft-key.
Usually if you are running a theatrical type show manually stepping through the show you would
set the function to Startup@Last. If for some reason the power fails the console on powering
back up will be on the correct memory.
The Startup@Last function will only work when the sequence is being operated in manual
mode. It will not function if the sequence is operating in Auto, Beat or Sound mode.
Page-- Step--- Run 1
Page Chase
Page+ Live!
Page- More..
Super User
Back Lock
Clear Mem/Seq Reset
Startup@Last More..