4 Setting up the Console
The Tiger is a DMX lighting console. As such devices that are to be controlled will have a DMX
address. Some devices make use of more than one DMX channel. For instance a moving light
may have 12 DMX channels. If the address of this fixture is set to 1 the next available DMX
address will be 13. A library of common devices is supplied with the console. This means that
when a device is selected and the DMX address is set the Tiger will allocate the correct number
of channels required for that device. It will not let you patch another device to those channels.
The Tiger has 18 generic channels that are generally used to control dimmer or switch pack
devices. 18 HTP channels are also allocated for use with moving lights. There are also a total of
99 LTP channels that can be allocated to moving lights. This means that you could for instance
control 18 moving lights with the Tiger. Each fixture could have a dimmer channel and 5 LTP
channels. Alternatively you could have 9 moving lights each with a dimmer channel and 11 LTP
channels. Or you could have 1 fixture with a single dimmer channel and 99 LTP channels.
4.1 Assigning and Patching a Fixture.
There are two things that must be done before a fixture can be used on the Tiger console.
Firstly the fixture type must be selected and then it must be given a DMX address. The Tiger is
supplied with 18 Chauvet fixtures stored on it. There is however a comprehensive library of
fixtures available for downloading. There is also a fixture creation software package available for
free. To upload different fixtures to the console it is necessary to acquire a PC to Tiger cable,
part number ______.
It is also possible to create fixtures on the Tiger console (see section 4. b.).
When you turn the console on you will see the following screen on the LCD:
You now need to assign and patch the fixtures that you have. To do this you need to press the
More.. key twice. This will take you to the following menu screen:
Important Note:
Htp:- Stands for highest takes precedence. This is usually used on dimmer
channels. It means that if a light is being controlled from two memories and one
memory has it set at 50% and the other at 75% then the light will be outputting
at 75%.
LTP:- Stands for latest takes precedence. This means that the last DMX
command sent will be what sets the level for a channel. It is usually used to
control the beam, colour and position attributes of a moving light. If memory 1
has channel 1 at 50% and is played back channel one will go to 50% if in
memory 2 it is set to 25% and memory 2 is played back the channel will go to
25%. LTP channels are also not affected by the Blackout button or the Master
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