Once you have set the number of steps you require use the Back key twice to take you to the
save menu page.
From this page you can save the chase or if you do not want to keep it then you can use cancel.
You now need to use the Back key to go to the default menu page.
To playback your sequence select the sequence number using the Page+ or Page- keys. Having
selected the sequence raise the Master fader. You can then set the speed of the chase and the
fade time between steps by using the Speed and Fade faders. If you wish to trigger the chase
manually leave the Speed fader set to zero and use the Flash button under Master to step
through the sequence. You can still use the Fade fader to set the fade time for each step. The
Yellow LED in the fade button will indicate a fade is in progress by flashing.
It is also possible to adjust the direction of the sequence by using the More.. key. This will take
you to the following menu screen:
By using the bottom left soft key it is possible to select Dir Fwd, Dir Rev, Dir <>or Dir Rnd. This
will affect in which order the sequence steps are replayed. If you select Sound On it is also
possible to trigger the sequence using the onboard microphone or using a sound input. The
sequence steps will trigger on the music‟s beat.
It is also possible to set the sequence to run to a beat. If you tap the Speed twice the time lag
between taps will set the beat or delay between each step of the sequence.
To stop a sequence reset the Speed fader to zero.
Page01 Step--- Run 1
Page+ Live!
Page- More..
Page01 Step--- Run 2
Flash On ProgMem
Sound Off ProgSeq
Dir Fwd More..
Program Sequence 01
Cancel Delete Seq
Save As Auto Seq
Save Steps..