WARNING Please take care when
installing the appliance that the
requirements of the Health and Safety
at Work Act 1974 are met.
Some types of fire cement are caustic
and should not be allowed to come
into contact with the skin. In case of
contact wash with plenty of water.
If there is a possibility of disturbing
any asbestos in the course of
installation then please use
appropriate protective equipment.
There must not be an extractor fan
fitted in the same room as the
appliance as this can cause the
appliance to emit fumes into the
There must be an adequate air supply
into the room in which the appliance
is installed totalling at least 100
square cm. (16 square inches) to
provide combustion air. This is
particularly necessary if the room is
double glazed.
In addition to these instructions the
requirements of BS:8303 and
BS:6461 Pt 1&2; 1984 must be
fulfilled. Local Authority Bye-laws
and Building Regulations regarding
the installation of Solid Fuel burning
appliances, flues and chimneys must
also be observed.
The rated output for the DX20i is 5.4
kW (18800 btu/h) to the room.
This is the output obtained burning
Sunbrite Doubles at a rate of 1.0
kg/hr with the doors closed over a 4
hourly re-fuelling interval.
There is an optional add-in domestic
hot water boiler available with an
output of 2.0 kW (6800 btu/h). If this
is fitted then the output to the room
will be reduced by a corresponding
In order for the appliance to perform
satisfactorily the chimney height
must not be less than 4 metres
measured vertically from the outlet of
the fire to the top of the chimney.
The chimney should preferably be
175 mm (7 inches) or 200mm (8
inches) internal diameter or square
with sides of 175mm or 200mm
internally and MUST NOT BE
If an existing chimney is to be used it
must be swept and checked, it must
be in good condition, free from
cracks and blockages, and should not
have an excessive cross sectional area
(e.g. greater than 250mm x 250mm).
If you find that the chimney is in
poor condition then expert advice
should be sought regarding the
necessity of having the chimney
lined. If it is found necessary to line
the chimney then a lining suitable for
Solid Fuel must be used.
If there is no existing chimney then a
prefabricated block chimney or a twin
walled insulated stainless steel flue to
BS:4543 can be used either internally
or externally. These chimneys must
be fitted in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions and
Building Regulations.
Single wall flue pipe is suitable for
connecting the appliance to the
chimney but is not suitable for using
for the complete chimney.
If it is found that there is excessive
draw in the chimney then a draught
stabiliser should be fitted.
The appliance must be installed on a
fireproof hearth and must be situated
at least 300 mm (12 inches) from any
combustible material. The positioning
of the appliance and the size of the
hearth are governed by building
regulations for Class 1 appliances.
These building regulations state that
the hearth must extend in front of the
appliance by at least 300 mm (12
inches) and to the sides by at least
150 mm (6 inches). If in doubt as to
the positioning of the appliance
expert advice should be sought either
from the supplier or the local
building inspector.
The fireplace must allow good
circulation of air around the
appliance, especially above it, to
ensure that maximum heat is
transferred to the room and also to
prevent the fireplace overheating. A
gap of 150mm (6 inches) each side
and 300mm (12 inches) above the
appliance should give sufficient air
circulation. If a wooden mantelpiece,
beam or surround is used in the
fireplace it should be a minimum of
460mm (18 inches), and preferably
600mm (24 inches) above the
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HV 7/96