Open the main doors Open the ashpit
door Close the ashpit door Close the
main doors
Your Charnwood is fitted with a
multifuel grate which enables solid
fuel, wood and peat to be burned
equally effectively.
The grate has two positions. One for
solid fuel, the other for wood and
peat. When in the solid fuel position
ash can fall through the grate and
into the ashpan. When in the wood
position ash is able to build up on the
grate as is necessary for effective
wood or peat burning.
Movement of the grate from one
position to the other is effected using
the tool supplied. The grate is put
into the wood position by moving the
tool direction of the arrow "W"
(marked on the handle of the tool)
until the tool is vertical. The grate is
put into the solid fuel position by
moving the tool in the direction of
the arrow "C" until the tool is
If a mixture of wood and solid fuel,
or peat and solid fuel, is to be burnt
then keep the grate in the solid fuel
Set the grate into either the wood
position or the solid fuel position as
required. Place some paper and dry
kindling wood or fire lighters on the
grate and cover with a small amount
of fuel. Turn the thermostat control
knob to the maximum setting, fully
open the airwash control and light
the paper or fire lighters. Leave the
doors slightly ajar until the fuel is
well ignited then load with more fuel,
close the doors and adjust the
thermostat and airwash control to the
desired setting. Leaving the main
doors slightly ajar when lighting will
keep the glass clean while the
airwash is warming up.
On initial lighting, the fire may
smoke and give off an odour as the
silicon paint with which the firebox
is painted reacts to the heat. This is
normal and will cease after a short
time. In the meantime the room
should be kept well ventilated.
Before relighting the fire, riddle,
remove any clinker from the firebed
and empty the ashpan.
The rate of burning and hence the
output is controlled by the control
knob on the left hand side of the
appliance and the airwash control on
the right, (see Figs. 1 & 2.) Use the
control knob on the left to control the
heat output from the fire and keep the
airwash control slightly open most of
the time to keep the glass clean. It
will not be possible to keep the glass
clean if the airwash control is fully
closed, particularly after refuelling.
The number at the top of the control
knob is the number at which it is set,
the higher the number the faster the
burning rate.
The fire may be run with the doors
open. This will result in a reduction
in efficiency and hence heat output.
The more reactive fuels, like
homefire, wood and coal will burn
better when the doors are open than
fuels like phurnacite, sunbrite and
Air Inlet Damper
Fig. 1. Thermostat Control
Closed Open
Fig. 2. Airwash Air Control
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HV 7/96