
Fire Will Not Burn.
Check that:
a) the air inlet is not obstructed in
any way,
b) chimneys and flueways are clear,
c) a suitable fuel is being used,
d) there is an adequate air supply into
the room,
e) an extractor fan is not fitted in the
same room as the fire.
Fire Blazing Out Of Control.
Check that:
a) the doors are tightly closed,
b) the thermostat knob is turned down
to the minimum setting,
c) the air inlet damper is closed (at
the bottom left of the appliance), and
that it is not prevented from closing
completely by a piece of ash,
d) a suitable fuel is being used,
e) the door seals are in good
If the fire is over-fired it will cause
premature failure of the internal fire
parts. Overfiring is occurring when
any internal parts of the fire begin to
glow red. To prevent over-firing
ensure that:
a) the door seals are kept in good
condition, and that the doors are
sealing correctly,
b) the thermostat on the fire is
working correctly,
c) a suitable fuel is being used,
d) the fire is not fitted onto a heating
system which is too large.
Fume Emission.
Warning Note: Properly installed
and operated this appliance will
not emit fumes. Occasional fume
from de-ashing and re-fuelling may
occur. Persistant fume emision is
potentially dangerous and must not
be tolerated. If fume emission does
persist then the following
immediate actions should be taken:
A) Open doors and windows to
ventilate the room.
B) Let the fire out and safely
dispose of fuel from the appliance.
C) Check for flue or chimney
blockage, and clean if required.
D) Do not attempt to relight fire
until cause of fume has been
identified, if necessary seek
professional advice.
The most common cause of fume
emission is flueway or chimney
blockage. For your own safety these
must be kept clean.
Do not light the fire if there is any
possibility that any parts of the
system may be frozen.
Chimney Fires.
If the chimney is thoroughly and
regularly swept, chimney fires should
not occur. However, if a chimney fire
does occur turn the control knob to
the minimum setting, and tightly close
the doors of the appliance. This
should cause the chimney fire to go
out in which case the control should
be kept at the minimum setting until
the fire in the appliance has gone out.
The chimney and flueways should
then be cleaned. If the chimney fire
does not go out when the above
action is taken then the fire brigade
should be called immediately.
After a chimney fire the chimney
should be carefully examined for any
damage. Expert advice should be
sought if necessary.
Lack of Heat To
Radiators / Hot Water
Check that:
a) the fire is burning properly - if not
then carry out the checks under "Fire
Will Not Burn".
b) the throat plate is fitted correctly
(see Fig. 4.) and that it is not
c) the door seals are in good
d) If the hot water goes cold when
the pump is turned on, or if some
radiators are hotter than others, then
the system may need balancing, the
pump may be pumping the water too
quickly around the system, or the
radiators may need bleeding. Please
ask your installer to check these
e) Ensure that the boiler reduction
brick has not been fitted when it is
not required.
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