— The unit should be on the ground in a well lit
area. Hung units should be taken down to ground level before
Side to Back Discharge Conversion
1. Remove screws to free the top and discharge panels. Set
screws aside for later use. See Fig. 7.
2. Remove the access panel and set aside.
3. Lift the discharge panel from side of unit and rotate it to
back using care not to damage blower wiring.
4. Check blower wire routing and connections for undue
tension or contact with sheet metal edges. Re-route if
5. Check refrigerant tubing for contact with other compo-
nents. Adjust if necessary.
6. Reinstall top panel using screws set aside in Step 1.
NOTE: Location for some screws at bottom of discharge
panel may have to be changed.
7. Manually spin fan wheel to check for obstructions.
Adjust for any obstruction found.
8. Replace access panel.
Back to Side Discharge Conversion
— Follow instructions
above for Side to Back Discharge Conversion, noting the
panels would be reversed.
Step 4 — Mount the Unit
HORIZONTAL UNIT (50PSH) — Horizontal units should
be mounted using the factory-installed hangers. Proper attach-
ment of hanging rods to building structure is critical for safety.
See Fig. 1. Rod attachments must be able to support the weight
of the unit. See Table 1 for unit operating weights.
VERTICAL UNITS (50PSV, PSD) — Vertical and downflow
units are available in left or right return air configurations. See
Fig. 3 and 4. Mount the unit (except 50PSD) on a vibration
absorption pad slightly larger than the entire base to minimize
vibration transmission. It is not necessary to mount the unit on
the floor. See Fig. 9.
NOTE: Some codes require the use of a secondary drain pan
under vertical units. Check local codes for more information.
Step 5 — Check Duct System — Size the duct sys-
tem to handle the design airflow quietly.
NOTE: Depending on the unit, the fan wheel may have a ship-
ping support installed at the factory. This must be removed
before operating unit.
SOUND ATTENUATION — To eliminate the transfer of
vibration to the duct system, a flexible connector is recom-
mended for both discharge and return air duct connections on
metal duct systems. The supply and return plenums should in-
clude internal duct liner of fiberglass or be made of duct board
construction to maximize sound attenuation of the blower.
Installing the WSHP unit to uninsulated ductwork in an uncon-
ditioned space is not recommended since it will sweat and
adversely affect the unit’s performance.
To reduce air noise, at least one 90-degree elbow could be
included in the supply and return air ducts, provided system
performance is not adversely impacted. The blower speed can
also be changed in the field to reduce air noise or excessive air-
flow, provided system performance is not adversely impacted.
EXISTING DUCT SYSTEM — If the unit is connected to
existing ductwork, consider the following:
• Verify that the existing ducts have the proper capacity to
handle the unit airflow. If the ductwork is too small, install
larger ductwork.
• Check existing ductwork for leaks and repair as necessary.
NOTE: Local codes may require ventilation air to enter the
space for proper indoor air quality. Hard-duct ventilation
may be required for the ventilating air supply. If hard
ducted ventilation is not required, be sure that a proper air
path is provided for ventilation air to unit to meet ventila-
tion requirement of the space.
Step 6 — Install Condensate Drain
HORIZONTAL UNIT (50PSH) — Slope the unit toward the
drain at
in. See Fig. 10. If it is not possible to meet the re-
quired pitch, install a condensate at the unit to pump conden-
sate to building drain.
Horizontal units are not internally trapped, therefore an ex-
ternal trap is necessary. Install each unit with its own individual
trap and means to flush or blow out the condensate drain line.
Do not install units with a common trap or vent. See Fig. 11 for
typical condensate connections.
NOTE: Never use a pipe size smaller than the connection.
1/4Ó Pitch for
Drain Connection
Pitch Toward
Fig. 10 — Horizontal Unit Pitch
Fig. 9 — 50PSV Units Mounted With
Vibration Absorption Pad