Carrier 38HDF018-036 Air Conditioner User Manual

Table 4 — Pressure vs. Temperature Chart — Puron® Refrigerant (R-410A)
Subcooling Method — For 38HDR units only, the sub-
cooling method is used to check and adjust charge during the
cooling season. Refer to Table 5 and the following procedure:
NOTE: For use with residential fan coils and the 40QA060
under ceiling unit only.
1. Operate unit a minimum of 15 minutes before checking
2. Measure liquid line temperature near liquid line service
valve, and measure the liquid pressure at the liquid line
service valve. Use a digital thermometer for all tempera-
ture measurements. DO NOT use mercury or dial-type
3. Refer to Table 5. Find the temperature point at which the
required subcooling temperature intersects the measured
liquid line pressure.
4. If the measured liquid line temperature does not agree
with the required liquid line temperature, ADD refriger-
ant to lower the temperature, or REMOVE refrigerant to
raise the temperature (allow a tolerance of ±3° F).
12 –37.7 114 37.8 216 74.3 318 100.2 420 120.7 522 137.6
14 –34.7 116 38.7 218 74.9 320 100.7 422 121.0 524 137.9
16 –32.0 118 39.5 220 75.5 322 101.1 424 121.4 526 138.3
18 –29.4 120 40.5 222 76.1 324 101.6 426 121.7 528 138.6
20 –26.9 122 41.3 224 76.7 326 102.0 428 122.1 530 138.9
22 –24.5 124 42.2 226 77.2 328 102.4 430 122.5 532 139.2
24 –22.2 126 43.0 228 77.8 330 102.9 432 122.8 534 139.5
26 –20.0 128 43.8 230 78.4 332 103.3 434 123.2 536 139.8
28 –17.9 130 44.7 232 78.9 334 103.7 436 123.5 538 140.1
30 –15.8 132 45.5 234 79.5 336 104.2 438 123.9 540 140.4
32 –13.8 134 46.3 236 80.0 338 104.6 440 124.2 544 141.0
34 –11.9 136 47.1 238 80.6 340 105.1 442 124.6 548 141.6
36 –10.1 138 47.9 240 81.1 342 105.4 444 124.9 552 142.1
38 –8.3 140 48.7 242 81.6 344 105.8 446 125.3 556 142.7
40 –6.5 142 49.5 244 82.2 346 106.3 448 125.6 560 143.3
42 –4.5 144 50.3 246 82.7 348 106.6 450 126.0 564 143.9
44 –3.2 146 51.1 248 83.3 350 107.1 452 126.3 568 144.5
46 –1.6 148 51.8 250 83.8 352 107.5 454 126.6 572 145.0
48 0.0 150 52.5 252 84.3 354 107.9 456 127.0 576 145.6
50 1.5 152 53.3 254 84.8 356 108.3 458 127.3 580 146.2
52 3.0 154 54.0 256 85.4 358 108.8 460 127.7 584 146.7
54 4.5 156 54.8 258 85.9 360 109.2 462 128.0 588 147.3
56 5.9 158 55.5 260 86.4 362 109.6 464 128.3 592 147.9
58 7.3 160 56.2 262 86.9 364 110.0 466 128.7 596 148.4
60 8.6 162 57.0 264 87.4 366 110.4 468 129.0 600 149.0
62 10.0 164 57.7 266 87.9 368 110.8 470 129.3 604 149.5
64 11.3 166 58.4 268 88.4 370 111.2 472 129.7 608 150.1
66 12.6 168 59.0 270 88.9 372 111.6 474 130.0 612 150.6
68 13.8 170 59.8 272 89.4 374 112.0 476 130.3 616 151.2
70 15.1 172 60.5 274 89.9 376 112.4 478 130.7 620 151.7
72 16.3 174 61.1 276 90.4 378 112.6 480 131.0 624 152.3
74 17.5 176 61.8 278 90.9 380 113.1 482 131.3 628 152.8
76 18.7 178 62.5 280 91.4 382 113.5 484 131.6 632 153.4
78 19.8 180 63.1 282 91.9 384 113.9 486 132.0 636 153.9
80 21.0 182 63.8 284 92.4 386 114.3 488 132.3 640 154.5
82 22.1 184 64.5 286 92.8 388 114.7 490 132.6 644 155.0
84 23.2 186 65.1 288 93.3 390 115.0 492 132.9 648 155.5
86 24.3 188 65.8 290 93.8 392 115.5 494 133.3 652 156.1
88 25.4 190 66.4 292 94.3 394 115.8 496 133.6 656 156.6
90 26.4 192 67.0 294 94.8 396 116.2 498 133.9 660 157.1
92 27.4 194 67.7 296 95.2 398 116.6 500 134.0 664 157.7
94 28.5 196 68.3 298 95.7 400 117.0 502 134.5 668 158.2
96 29.5 198 68.9 300 96.2 402 117.3 504 134.8 672 158.7
98 30.5 200 69.5 302 96.6 404 117.7 506 135.2 676 159.2
100 31.2 202 70.1 304 97.1 406 118.1 508 135.5 680 159.8
102 32.2 204 70.7 306 97.5 408 118.5 510 135.8 684 160.3
104 33.2 206 71.4 308 98.0 410 118.8 512 136.1 688 160.8
106 34.1 208 72.0 310 98.4 412 119.2 514 136.4 692 161.3
108 35.1 210 72.6 312 98.9 414 119.6 516 136.7 696 161.8
110 35.5 212 73.2 314 99.3 416 119.9 518 137.0
112 36.9 214 73.8 316 99.7 418 120.3 520 137.3