Bosch Appliances 5000 Home Security System User Manual

34 en | Configuration DINION capture 5000/7000
| 1.0 | 2012.01 Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
4.5 Main menu structure
Refer to Section 4.1 Menus, page 28, to access the Main menu.
Item Selection Description
Mode Submenu Sets up operating modes 1 to 6
ALC Submenu Video level control
Shutter/AGC Submenu Shutter and automatic gain control
(Overview Camera -
DINION capture
7000 only)
Submenu Day/Night for color/mono operation
Enhance / Dynamic
Submenu Picture enhancement and
(Overview Camera -
DINION capture
7000 only)
Submenu White balance and color rendition
VMD Submenu Video motion detection