MAC2000 Operation
Menu 3
Main Identify Check Refri Filter
menu mode tank air data change
• Main menu – Returns display to the Main menu.
• Identify mode – Identifies refrigerant in a vehicle’s A/C system
without having to recover the refrigerant. After the unit is finished
identifying the refrigerant the display returns to the Main menu.
• Check tank air – This option allows a technician to manually check
the internal source tank for air and other non-condensables, and
then purges the tank if too much air is present.
• Refri data – Accesses the unit’s historical refrigerant data.
• Filter change – Removes refrigerant from the filter dryer prior to
its replacement.
3.2 Diagnosing A/C System Operation
Using the Snap-Shot Mode
Always wear eye protection and protective clothing when working
with refrigerants. Observe all warnings at the beginning of this
manual. Be sure the vehicle is in PARK before turning on the engine.
Provide adequate ventilation or pipe exhaust to outside. Vehicle
exhaust fumes can cause injury or death.
To assist in system diagnostics, the MAC2000’s Snap-Shot mode
allows a technician to monitor and record the following key operating
information from the vehicle being serviced. This data can be collected
before and after servicing to show any changes in performance of a
vehicle’s A/C system.
• Date and Time
• Ambient Temperature & Humidity
• Low Side System Pressure, minimum and maximum values
• High Side System Pressure, minimum and maximum values
• Front Duct Temperature, minimum value
• Rear Duct Temperature, minimum value
• Refrigerant Identifier Results
Instruction 2072-0400 15