212 Invalid Preignition time setting 1. Return to Conguration mode and recheck
selected parameters, reverify and reset module.
2. If fault repeats, verify electrical grounding.
3. If fault repeats, replace module.
213 Invalid Prepurge rate setting L
214 Invalid Prepurge time setting L
215 Invalid Purge rate proving setting L
216 Invalid Run ame failure response setting L
217 Invalid Run stabilization time setting L
218 Invalid Stack limit enable setting L
219 Invalid Stack limit response setting L
220 Uncongured Delta T limit setpoint setting L
221 Uncongured DHW high limit setpoint setting L
222 Uncongured Outlet high limit setpoint setting L
223 Uncongured Stack limit setpoint setting L
224 Invalid DHW demand source setting L
225 Invalid Flame threshold setting L
226 Invalid Outlet high limit setpoint setting L
227 Invalid DHW high limit setpoint setting L
228 Invalid Stack limit setpoint setting L
229 Invalid Modulation output setting L
230 Invalid CH demand source setting L
231 Invalid Delta T limit delay setting L
232 Invalid Pressure sensor type setting L
233 Invalid IAS closed response setting L
234 Invalid Outlet high limit enable setting Contact the service professional. L
235 Invalid Outlet connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
236 Invalid Inlet connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
237 Invalid DHW connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
238 Invalid Stack connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
239 Invalid S2 (J8-6) connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
240 Invalid S5 (J8-11) connector type setting Contact the service professional. L
241 Exchanger sensor not allowed with stack
connector setting
Not Applicable. L
242 Invalid DHW auto detect conguration Not Applicable. L
243 Invalid UV with spark interference not compatible
with Ignitor on throughout PFEP
Contact the service professional. L
244 Internal fault: Safety relay test invalid state Contact the service professional. L
245 Invalid Outlet connector type setting for Trise Contact the service professional. L
246 4-20mA cannot be used for both modulation and
setpoint control
Contact the service professional. L
247 Invalid ILK bounce detection enable Not Applicable. L
248 Invalid forced recycle interval Not Applicable. L
249 STAT cannot be demand source when Remote
Stat is enabled
Not Applicable. L
250 Invalid Fan speed error response 1. Check fan cables secured properly. If fault
persists contact the service professional.
251-255 RESERVED