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Your Sprinter Van Operator’s and Warranty Manuals contain important cautions,
warnings, operational, and warranty information on the Sprinter and its compo-
nents. All information in the Sprinter manual should be reviewed and followed
for your safety. The Airstream Interstate Owner’s Manual may provide addition
information and tips on the use of the Van as a motorhome, however, no informa-
tion in the Airstream manual should be interpreted as advice or directions to
disregard or void the warnings, cautions, or other information contained in the
Sprinter’s manuals.
Don’t let anyone tell you that under inflation or over inflation is all right. It’s not. If
you’re tires don’t have enough air (under inflation) you can get tire flexing, heat build-
up, tire overloading, bad handling, bad fuel economy, and bad wear. Too high an air
pressure (over inflation) can result in abnormal wear, bad handling, harsh ride, and
increase the chance of damage from road hazards.
Tire inflation pressures should be checked at least monthly and when significantly
changing the load you plan to carry in your motorhome. Always check tire inflation
pressures when the tires are “cold”.
Standard inflation pressures for tires are listed on a decal mounted on the driver’s seat
pedestal. Front and rear pressures are shown for each model and GVWR, and are
based on the GVWR and front and rear axle ratings (GAWRs) printed on your vehicle
VIN plate and Certification label. Tires must be inflated to these pressures when the
vehicle is fully loaded or an axle GAWR is reached.
Proper FRONT END ALIGNMENT improves tire tread mileage. Your front-end suspen
sion parts should be inspected periodically and aligned when needed. Improper align-
ment may or may not cause the vehicle to vibrate. However, improper toe alignment
will cause front tires to roll at an angle, which will result in faster tire wear. Incorrect
caster or camber alignment will cause your front tires to wear unevenly and can cause
the vehicle to “pull” to the left or right.
Vehicle Placard and Tire Inflation Pressure Label
The TIRE AND LOADING INFORMATION placard supplies information on the size
and the cold tire inflation pressure for the original equipment tires supplied with your
vehicle. It also defines the GVWR as 8,550 pounds. It is located on the side of the
driver’s seat pedestal in your vehicle.