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V. Interpreting your DSL modem lights
After you have tried power cycling your DSL modem, checking your setup and checking your DSL filters,
you should look at the lights on the front of the modem panel to check your connection status.
1. When powering up the modem, all four lights will be green for approximately 30 seconds.
Observing the Power light, make sure that the power self-test completes successfully and the
light turns a steady green.
2. Make sure that the modem is synchronizing with the DSL line by checking the DSL light. It
may take up to 70 seconds for the modem to synchronize, then the DSL light should turn a
steady green.
3. Verify that the modem is properly wired to your computer’s Network Interface Card (NIC)
by checking that the Ethernet light is a steady green.
4. Check that your modem is sending and receiving data by observing the Activity light. It will
vary between steady and blinking green light when the modem is transmitting data.
The following chart shows what the lights on the front panel of the Efficient SpeedStream 5100-
a modem indicate. Use this to check the connection status after the initial power up.
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