What you can scan
You can scan almost anything you can put on the scanner glass:
m photographs and flat art
m drawings and calligraphy
m line art
m bound documents such as magazines and books
You should be aware of a few limitations:
m You cannot completely scan an item that is larger than 8.5 by 11.7 inches.
The optional Automatic Document Feeder extends the scanning area to 8.5
by 14 inches.
m You cannot scan items that weigh more than 4.4 lb. (2 kg). Heavier items
may damage the scanner glass.
m It is illegal to scan certain official and copyrighted documents. Please see
“Copyright Regulations (USA)” at the end of this chapter for a summary of
restrictions in the United States.
Text and optical character recognition: You can scan printed text and convert
the image to text that can be read by a computer. To do this, you need special
optical character recognition (OCR) software. Xerox TextBridge 3.0H OCR
software comes with the Apple Color OneScanner. For an introduction to
TextBridge, see Chapter 6, “Scanning Text,” in this manual. For information
about using TextBridge, see the TextBridge user’s manual.
Preparing originals
Follow these guidelines to prepare originals for scanning.
m Flatten out curled or wrinkled originals before you place them on the
scanner glass.
m When you scan large, bound documents, you may find it helpful to remove
the scanner top cover. For information, see “Removing and Replacing the
Scanner Cover,” later in this chapter.
Chapter 4