About SCSI termination
The SCSI selector on the Apple Color OneScanner also works as a selector
for internal SCSI termination. Termination is set to “on” at the factory.
If the scanner is the only SCSI device connected to your Macintosh or if you
place the scanner as the last device in a SCSI chain, the “on” setting is correct
and doesn’t need to be changed.
If the scanner is one device in a SCSI chain, but not the last device, you must
turn off termination. See Appendix C for details.
Connecting the scanner to your Macintosh
You’re now ready to connect the scanner to your Macintosh computer.
If you’re connecting the scanner to a Macintosh PowerBook, see the manual
that came with your computer for instructions on connecting SCSI devices.
Before you begin, make sure that the power to the scanner,
your computer, and any connected devices is switched off. If the power
is on while you connect or disconnect SCSI cables, you can damage the
If you need to connect more than one SCSI device to your computer,
follow the instructions above or those in Appendix C, “Assembling a
SCSI Chain.” Correct placement of the devices and the cable terminator
(if one is required) is important. You can damage your equipment if you
connect the devices the wrong way.
Setting Up the Scanner