Restarting your
If you stop your washer by touch-
lng HOLD, you can restart it by touching
RUN The washer “remembers”ond
starts from w/here it stopped
However if you stop your washer
by moving the switch to POWER OFF,
every selectior IS canceled They are
also canceled if CI blown fuse or power
rnterruptlon stops the washer
The way you restart the washer
depends on what the washer was doing
when It stopped
Filling for (or beginning of) the
wash cycle:
Move switch to POWER ON
Touch FABRIC Selector and optlons
The washer WIII flntsh fllllng
(if needed) and wash according to the
new selections.
End of the wash cycle:
Move swatch to POWER ON
Touch SPIN ONLY to drain and spin
After the washer stops, again move
switch to POWER ON
Touch RINSE SPIN to fill, rrnse. dram
and spin the load
Filling for (or beginning of) the rinse
Move swatch to POWER ON
Touch RINSE SPIN to frnrsh fllllng or to
finish the rinsing cycle
Using Selections
Your washer has Electronic Con-
trols that let many selecttons work
together for the krnd of wash you want.
There are many possible combi-
nations of selections .so many that
there isn’t room to tell about each com-
bination possible
The Indicator lights will tell you
what you need to know If the Indicator
ltght glows when you touch a selector,
the Electrontc Controls accept the
selection. If it does not glow, the Elec-
tronic Controls retect the selection
The indlcotor /;ght WI// glow ondstoy
giowmg When thts happens, your
selection has been accepted. The
washer WIII use that selectton or
option while it
The indicator iight w//i glow, but
onofher w//i go off This means that
your second selectton cancelled the
first For example, if you touched
REG HEAVY and decide you want
PERM’T PRESS, just touch PERM’T
cancelled and Its indicator ltght
goes off.
Tne ~nc~otor //ght w//i not giow The
C!ectrontc Controls are designed
?c reject any optron that shouldn’t be
used for the wash you selected. For
exurrlple, If you touched KNITS
C,ENTLE, yt:,u \n/c:rl’t be cable to yei iiie
HOT WASH rndrcator light to glow
Pages 8 through 13 of thts Use
& Care Guide tell what happens during
nnrh calartjnn Lnr n--h rolnctinn
-uvm _I”S”UI “8 I. “I ““_I I .J’,lbbII”I I,
there are details on whtch can and
can’t be used together.