Wh~rlpoo’ rno~n*a~~s a nat~onw~~ce
ne’work of frarit- set1 TECH CARE ser-
vice companrei ‘3 T~Jlll vour warva?ty
on3 provide otter-warranty servlct: and
maintenance t ‘1 keey \/cur bVHIRLPOOL
appliance In paok cond+lcn
You’ll find your nearest TECH-CARE
service componv listed in your local
telephone book Yellow Pages under
Should you not
find a listing, dial free, the Whirlpool
COOL-LINE” service assistance tele-
phone number.
When calling from:
Michigan (800) 632-2243
Alaska &
Hawaii (800) 253-l 121
All other
states (800) 253-l 301
If you move...
-0 make sure tnat your
appliance 1s correctly Installed arc to
insure Its contirued satisfactory
operation. please telephone your
nearest TECH-CARE. service compary
for installatron or to get the name ‘of a
qualified installer (Installatron cost VIII,
of course, be paid bv you )
Helpful hints...You
can help your
‘ECH-CARE service representatrve give
YOU faster service if you Include the
model and serial number of your
dppl~arce \when reaues+lng service
A,s: re’aln “our sales slip and ‘warranty
:c :ecifd \/our warranty status
TECh-CARE serl.lce
representat ve IS specially tralned in the
c<pert epairlng and servrclng of your
‘WHIRLPOOL appliances He can help
L~.J mointa,r the quai;ty originally built
lrtc3 (our WHIRLPOOL appliance So ‘why
r’zt ,ake the time now, to look up his
+elepncne number and jot I+ dcwn in the
space provided on t-e cove’
3. If you have a problem :
Call Whirlpool Corporatror In Benton
Harbor at the COOL-LINE service
assistance telephone number [see Step
2: or wr,te
Mr Guy Turner. Vice President
‘Whirlpool Corporaiion
Adm~nlstrotrve Center
2000 II S 33 North
Benton Harbor Mrchlgan 49022
If \,3d Tus Cali or write, please
pr:l’;.de your name, aadress,
te’ephone plumber, type of appllonce
brand, model, serial number date of
purchase the dealers name, and o
coImplete descrrptlon of the problem
Ths Inform&on IS needed in order to
better respond to your request for
Quality. Our way of life.
Benton Harbor. Michigan Aulomallc Washers. Clothes Dryers
Freezers. Relrlgeralor-Freezers. Ice Makers, DIshwashers.
BullI-ln Ovens and Surlace Units, Ranges, Microwave Ovens.
Compactors, Room Air Conditioners Dehomidiliers. Central
Heallng and Air Condltionlng Systems.
Par? No 382614 I-. ;