
User's Manual - 63
BLC area selection: Click this button to open an area selection window. As the window shown below, the
video will be divided into 48 rectangle areas equally. Check some of the areas to enable BLC. Note that if
no area is selected, the Enable BLC option would be of no use.
The picture below illustrates the corresponding areas of the selection window. You can click Select All to
check all the areas in the window, or click Clear All to do vice versa. When completed with the settings
on this page, click Save to take effect and click Close to exit the page.
Back to the Sensor Settings page, you can click Preview to fine-tune the image, or click Restore to
recall the original settings without incorporating the changes. When completed with the settings on this
page, click Save to take effect and click Close to exit the page. Click Profile to configure a different
setting for a different scenario, e.g., the low light night mode.
Video quality settings for multiple streams
Advanced Mode
The Network Camera offers three choices of video compression standards for real-time viewing: MPEG-
4, H.264, and MJPEG.
Click the items to display the detailed conî‚¿guration settings. You can set up two seperate streams for the
Network Camera for different viewing devices. For example, set a smaller frame size and lower bit rate
for remote viewing on mobile phones and a larger video size and a higher bit rate for live viewing on web
If MPEG-4 mode is selected, it is streamed in RTSP protocol.