
User's Manual - 47
Day/Night Settings
Switch to B/W in night mode
Select this to enable the Network Camera to automatically switch to Black/White display during
night mode�
IR cut lter
With a removable IR-cut lter, this Network Camera can automatically remove the lter to let IR
light into the sensor during low light conditions�
■ Auto mode
The Network Camera automatically removes the lter by judging the level of ambient light.
■ Day mode
In day mode, the Network Camera switches on the IR cut lter at all times to block infrared light
from reaching the sensor so that the colors will not be distorted�
■ Night mode
In night mode, the Network Camera switches off the IR cut lter at all times for the sensor to
accept infrared light, thus helping to improve low light sensitivity�
■ Synchronize with digital input
The Network Camera automatically removes the IR cut lter when DI is triggered. Some external
housing may come with its light sensor and IR lights, and has a pin signal to tell the camera to
switch off its IR cut lter.
■ Schedule mode
The Network Camera switches between day mode and night mode based on a specified
schedule. Enter the start and end time for day mode. Note that the time format is [hh:mm] and is
expressed in 24-hour clock time. By default, the start and end time of day mode are set to 07:00
and 18:00.
Light sensor sensitivity
Select Low, Normal, or High sensitivity for the light sensor�
Color: Select to display color or black/white video streams.
Power line frequency: Set the power line frequency (50 or 60Hz) consistent with local utility settings
to eliminate image flickering associated with fluorescent lights� Note that after the power line
frequency is changed, you must disconnect and reconnect the power cord of the Network Camera
in order for the new setting to take effect�
Video orientation: Flip--vertically reflect the display of the live video; Mirror--horizontally reflect
the display of the live video� Select both options if the Network Camera is installed upside-down
(e.g., on the ceiling) to correct the image orientation. Please note that if you have congured preset
locations, those locations will be cleared after ip/mirror setting.