Product Reference Guide
Storage and Safety Precautions
Although charged Lithium-Ion batteries may be left unused for several months,
their capacity may be depleted due to build up of internal resistance. If this hap-
pens they will require recharging prior to use. Lithium-Ion batteries may be stored
at temperatures between-20°C to 60°C, however they may be depleted more
rapidly at the high end of this range. It is recommended to store batteries within
normal room temperature ranges.
Charging Considerations
It is important to consider the environment temperature whenever you are charg-
ing the Lithium-Ion battery pack. The process is most efficient at normal room
temperature or slightly cooler. It is essential that you charge batteries within the
stated range of -5°C to 50°C. Charging batteries outside of the specified range
could damage the batteries and shorten their charging life cycle.
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