Unitech PA962
Keying-in Characters:
After tapping the :keyboard9 icon, the Windows CE keyboard pops up. Character
input is the same as on a standard PC. Simply tap the on-screen button corre-
sponding to the character you want to input.
Software Keyboard (Windows CE Keyboard)
Since the PA9627s keypad allows input of numeric characters only, the Windows
CE Software provides a touch screen keyboard for input of other characters. The
Windows based keyboard replicates the layout of a standard PC keyboard.
Closing the Keyboard:
Tap the keyboard icon to close the Windows CE keyboard.
Moving the Keyboard:
Use the stylus to point to the title bar (the bar displaying
:Input panel9) and then move the stylus without lifting it
from the screen.
International Character Support:
Tap the [=@] button to switch from the standard English
keyboard to the European keyboard.
Opening the Windows CE Keyboard:
The Windows CE keyboard can be opened by tapping the :keyboard9 icon on the
task bar. (Refer to picture).
Double-tap here
Title Bar
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