TVP-224HR User’s Guide
4. Outgoing Fast Start: The default setting is off.
This field is to enable or disable the Fast start mode on the outgoing side
of the link.
5. Incoming Fast Start: The default setting is off.
This field is to enable or disable the Fast start mode on the incoming side
of the link. You'll have to reboot the system to make your changes active!
Frame Rate = 2 frames/packet
6. Auto-Answer: Enables quick H.225 to H.245 transition without waiting
for receiver picking up the phone, default is on
7. NAT Call Mode: Enables calls from remote sites which use NAT routers
with private IP networks behind, default is on
8. Default DTMF Mode: H323 V2 Signal or IMTC. The default is H323 V2
9. DNS IP Address
10. Alternate DTMF IP Address
11. DTMF Duration: default is 300
This page is home to many specific H.323 Gateway / Gatekeeper functions /
features. For the most part end users will not be using these functions /
features and / or should use the default settings. For more information please
see the Advanced User Manuals or consult with your Systems Integrator
The primary function of the gatekeeper component is to provide address
translation services. This function converts external (telephone number)
addresses and alias (name) addresses to network addresses, allowing users to
maintain the same telephone numbers or alias addresses regardless of changes
to their network addresses.