
The VF-A7 inverter has the following three display modes:
[Normal monitor mode] Normal display mode. The inverter automatically enters this
display mode when it is turned on.
[Setting monitor mode] :In this mode, you can set inverter's operation parameters.
How to set parameters => Refer to 4.1.
[Status monitor mode] In this mode, you can monitor inverter's various statuses,
for example, the set frequency, the output voltage, the output
current and terminal information.
How to use the monitor => Refer to 8.1.
Press the key to switch to another display mode.
4.1 Setting parameters [Setting monitor mode]
The VF-A7 inverter is shipped with certain parameters factory-set by default. The para
meters are broadly classified under the following three groups. First, you need to select
the parameter you want to change or check.
[Basic parameter] : Parameters that you need to set before the first use after
[Extended parameters] : Parameters used for detailed or particular settings
[User parameter]
: Used to search for parameters the settings which have been
changed and are different from the factory default settlings.
Use this parameter to check parameter settings again after
confirmation or when changing parameter settings.(Parameter
code: )
4. Basic operation of the VF-A7
This mode enables you to monitor the output frequency and set frequency command
values. This mode is also used to display operation status alarm codes and error
messages if the inverter trips.
Frequency command setting => Refer to 3.2.1.
Status alarms
If something unusual occurs in the inverter, an alarm code and the output frequency
are displayed alternately on the LED display.
: Indicates that a current exceeding the over-current stall limit is passed.
: Indicates that an voltage exceeding the over-voltage stall limit is applied.
: Indicates that the load exceeds 50% or more of the overload trip limit.
: Indicates that the temperature in the inverter reaches the overheat protection
alarm level (about 85 )
Status monitor mode
Setting monitor mode
[Speed control mode]
[Torque control mode]
Normal monitor mode
(For searching for parameters the settings of which have been changed).